
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lady of Leisure - My first online earnings, YAY

This will be just a realy quick post.

Due to the fact that I haven't realy got myself set up fully yet I was very very VERY surprised to see that I had actualy had some sucess in the earnings from this blog site. Bet youll never guess how much, lol. 26cents, thats right folks, I am officialy making money online.

I guess some might think this is not alot, and also coupled with the fact that I still dont know how it works, it is very motivating for me after the festive season. Its spurred me on more to get motivated. If I can make 26cents from not doing alot, if I put in the time and effort its going to pay off!

I am so very grateful that this has come at this time, its a blessing and a mind blowing thought that from my thoughts, ideas and work, I am going to be able to accomplish everything I have set out to do.

And guess what, if I can do it, so can anyone else!!

I wish you all a life of true passion
Kindest and deepest regards


  1. WOOOO HOOOO!!!!

    Every journey starts somewhere mate!! And its good to see you taking a pro-active approach to making it happen!!!


    your friend - beau1

  2. Wow that is fantastic! Abundance is flowing to you already. How wonderful. Just sit back and allow it to happen. I can't wait to hear how much you make next time!

    Connie :)

  3. Hey every little bit counts! Best of luck to ya in 2010 :)

  4. Thanks everyone. Your words of encouragement are most appreciated.

    Thanks for joining my little blog Ms Freeman, I also added u on twitter :)

    Bring on 2010, yehhaaa


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