

When you look at me who do you see?

As we pass each other in the mall do you see me? I'm the one smiling with encouragement as you struggle with the weight of two over tired children and your weeks worth of shopping.

I smile because I know you. I know that you fight the good fight every day. It's the choice we made when we become the stay at home mum.

Whether you have one child or 10. No matter your background, colour race or creed. No matter your religion or gender preference.

In this place you are validated. In this space you are appreciated. And on this day, in this moment you can breath.

So take one, one big heaving breath, and sigh.

I made this space for you, sit and be celebrated. Then when your ready, leave here knowing that this space will always be available to you when you need it or just when you can find a moment.

Who am I?

I am a cigarette smoking, coffee drinking, slipper shuffling SHM.

I have had 20yrs of parenting experience with 5 children ranging in age of 19yrs-9mths.  I'm almost at the end of my second relationship to the father of my two youngest babies, and I have a fairly civil relationship with the father of my first 3 babies, he also has full custody of two of my older children.

I'm not a child or parenting, but I understand the struggles.

I'm siting here in the above apparel drinking coffee while my 2yr old and 8mth old sons get some much needed outside play time and I get some much needed sun, and write this about me page which is really about you.

Multitalented or what?  Right now you might be shovelling down your lunch while your bundle/s of joy and terror recharge their batteries. Or your sipping your 5th coffee in the hopes of recharging your own batteries.

Wherever you are reading this, then I hope you find the time, and a reason, to visit again soon.